Title 50
Subpart K - Management Measures for the Atlantic Herring Fishery Source: 72 FR 11277, Mar. 12, 2007, unless otherwise noted.
- 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.
- Source: 61 FR 34968, July 3, 1996, unless otherwise noted.
50: | SECTION 648.200 | 648.200 Specifications. | |
50: | SECTION 648.201 | 648.201 AMs and harvest controls. | |
50: | SECTION 648.202 | 648.202 Season and area restrictions. | |
50: | SECTION 648.203 | 648.203 Gear restrictions. | |
50: | SECTION 648.204 | 648.204 Possession restrictions. | |
50: | SECTION 648.205 | 648.205 VMS requirements. | |
50: | SECTION 648.206 | 648.206 Framework provisions. | |
50: | SECTION 648.207 | 648.207 Herring Research Set-Aside (RSA). |