Title 50


Subpart D - Control of Depredating and Otherwise Injurious Birds

50: 21.41
   21.41 Depredation permits.
50: 21.42
   21.42 [Reserved]
50: 21.43
   21.43 Depredation order for blackbirds, cowbirds, crows, grackles, and magpies.
50: 21.44
   21.44 Depredation order for horned larks, house finches, and white-crowned sparrows in California.
50: 21.45
   21.45 [Reserved]
50: 21.46
   21.46 Depredation order for depredating California scrub jays and Steller's jays in Washington and Oregon.
50: 21.47-21.48
   21.47-21.48 [Reserved]
50: 21.49
   21.49 Control order for resident Canada geese at airports and military airfields.
50: 21.50
   21.50 Depredation order for resident Canada geese nests and eggs.
50: 21.51
   21.51 Depredation order for resident Canada geese at agricultural facilities.
50: 21.52
   21.52 Public health control order for resident Canada geese.
50: 21.53
   21.53 Control order for purple swamphens.
50: 21.54
   21.54 Control order for muscovy ducks in the United States.
50: 21.55
   21.55 Control order for invasive migratory birds in Hawaii.