Title 5
SECTION 7201.102
7201.102 Prohibited outside employment.
§ 7201.102 Prohibited outside employment.(a) No employee of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission may engage in outside employment with a person who is currently and substantially affected by the employee's performance of his or her official duties because the person is a party or representative of a party to a particular matter involving specific parties.
(b) No employee of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, other than a special Government employee, may receive compensation for representational services, or the rendering of advice or analysis, regarding any equal employment law or its application.
(c) No employee of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, other than a special Government employee, may engage in outside employment involving a particular matter pending at EEOC or an equal employment opportunity matter in which EEOC or the Federal government is a party. An employee may, however, with prior approval, provide uncompensated behind-the-scenes assistance to immediate family members in matters pending at EEOC or equal employment opportunity matters in which EEOC or the Federal government is a party. An employee may also, with prior approval, represent without compensation another EEOC employee in an administrative equal employment opportunity complaint against EEOC.
[61 FR 7066, Feb. 26, 1996, as amended at 68 FR 52486, Sept. 4, 2003]