Title 5
SECTION 4601.101
4601.101 General.
§ 4601.101 General.(a) Applicability. In accordance with 5 CFR 2635.105, the regulations in this part apply to employees of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and supplement the Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Executive Branch (OGE Standards) in 5 CFR part 2635.
(b) Cross-references to other ethics regulations and guidance. In addition to the OGE Standards in 5 CFR part 2635 and this part, DHS employees are subject to the Executive branch financial disclosure regulations contained in 5 CFR parts 2634, the Executive branch financial interests regulations contained in 5 CFR part 2640, the Executive branch employee responsibilities and conduct regulations contained in 5 CFR part 735, and DHS guidance and procedures on employee conduct, including those issued under paragraph (c) of this section.
(c) DHS agency instructions. Prior to issuance, the DHS Designated Agency Ethics Official (DAEO) must approve any internal instructions or manuals that DHS agencies, as designated in § 4601.102 of this part, issue to provide explanatory ethics-related guidance and to establish procedures necessary to implement 5 CFR part 2635 and this part.
(d) Definitions - (1) Agency designee as used in this part and in 5 CFR part 2635 means an employee who has been identified in an instruction or manual issued by an agency under paragraph (c) of this section to make a determination, give an approval, or take other action required or permitted by this part or 5 CFR part 2635 with respect to another employee.
(2) Outside employment or activity as used in this part means any form of non-Federal employment, business activity, business relationship, or other covered activity as identified in this section, involving the provision of personal services by the employee, whether or not for compensation. It includes, but is not limited to, personal services as an officer, director, employee, agent, attorney, advisor, consultant, contractor, general partner, trustee, or teacher. There are several exclusions and limitations to the definition as described immediately below.
(i) Speaking and writing activities. Outside employment generally does not include speaking and writing activities so long as they are not combined with the provision of other services that do fall within this definition, such as the practice of law and other outside employment or activities covered by paragraph (d)(2)(ii)(A) through (D) of this section. Employees who wish to engage in compensated speaking or writing in a personal capacity are subject to the provisions of 5 CFR 2635.807 and are encouraged to seek additional guidance from an agency ethics official.
(ii) Nonprofit and other organizations. Outside employment does not include participation in the activities of a nonprofit charitable, religious, professional, social, fraternal, educational, recreational, public service, or civic organization, unless the participation involves:
(A) Acting in a fiduciary capacity,
(B) Providing professional services for compensation,
(C) Rendering advice for compensation other than the reimbursement of expenses, or
(D) An activity relating to the employee's official duties as defined in 5 CFR 2635.807(a)(2)(i)(A) through (E), to include activities relating to any ongoing or announced policy, program, or operation of the employee's agency as it is defined at 5 CFR 4601.102.
(iii) The Hatch Act. Outside employment does not include activities otherwise permissible by the Hatch Act and related regulations relating to partisan political activities.
(iv) Military service. Outside employment does not include state or Federal military service protected by the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act.
(v) Additional restrictions for certain employees. Employees of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement should also refer to the agency-specific provisions in this part relating to outside employment.
(3) Chief Deputy Ethics Official as used in this part means the persons delegated authority by the DHS DAEO to manage and coordinate the ethics programs within the DHS components pursuant to the DAEO's authority in 5 CFR 2638.204.
(4) “Special Government Employee” as used in this part has the same meaning as in 18 U.S.C. 202(a).