Title 5

PART 9801

Part 9801 - Privacy Act Regulations

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PART 9801 - PRIVACY ACT REGULATIONS Authority:Section 11 of the Inspector General Act of 1978, as amended, 5 U.S.C. app.; 5 U.S.C. 301, 552a; 31 U.S.C. 9701. Source:81 FR 86563, Dec. 1, 2016, unless otherwise noted.

5: A
Subpart A - General Provisions
5: 9801.101
   9801.101 Purpose and scope.
5: 9801.102
   9801.102 CIGIE organization.
5: 9801.103
   9801.103 Definitions.
5: 9801.104
   9801.104 Rules for determining if an individual is the subject of a record.
5: 9801.105
   9801.105 Employee standards of conduct.
5: 9801.106
   9801.106 Use and collection of social security numbers.
5: 9801.107
   9801.107 Other rights and services.
5: B
Subpart B - Access to Records and Accounting of Disclosures
5: 9801.201
   9801.201 Requests for access.
5: 9801.202
   9801.202 Response to requests.
5: 9801.203
   9801.203 Granting access.
5: 9801.204
   9801.204 Special procedures: Medical records.
5: 9801.205
   9801.205 Appeals from denials of requests for access to records.
5: 9801.206
   9801.206 Response to appeal of a denial of access.
5: 9801.207
   9801.207 Fees.
5: 9801.208
   9801.208 Requests for accounting of record disclosures.
5: C
Subpart C - Amendment of Records
5: 9801.301
   9801.301 Requests for amendment of record.
5: 9801.302
   9801.302 Response to requests.
5: 9801.303
   9801.303 Appeal from adverse determination on amendment.
5: 9801.304
   9801.304 Response to appeal of adverse determination on amendment; disagreement statements.
5: 9801.305
   9801.305 Assistance in preparing request to amend a record or to appeal an initial adverse determination.
5: D
Subpart D - Exemptions
5: 9801.401
   9801.401 Exemptions.