Title 5

PART 950

Part 950 - Solicitation Of Federal Civilian And Uniformed Service Personnel For Contributions To Private Voluntary Organizations

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PART 950 - SOLICITATION OF FEDERAL CIVILIAN AND UNIFORMED SERVICE PERSONNEL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS TO PRIVATE VOLUNTARY ORGANIZATIONS Authority:E.O. 12353 (March 23, 1982), 47 FR 12785 (March 25, 1982), 3 CFR, 1982 Comp., p. 139; E.O. 12404 (February 10, 1983), 48 FR 6685 (February 15, 1983); Pub. L. 100-202, and Pub. L. 102-393 (5 U.S.C. 1101 Note). Source:79 FR 21586, Apr. 17, 2014, unless otherwise noted.

5: A
Subpart A - General Provisions
5: 950.101
   950.101 Definitions.
5: 950.102
   950.102 Scope of the Combined Federal Campaign.
5: 950.103
   950.103 Establishing Local Federal Coordinating Committees.
5: 950.104
   950.104 Local Federal Coordinating Committee responsibilities.
5: 950.105
   950.105 Federal Agency Head responsibilities.
5: 950.106
   950.106 Central Campaign Administrator (CCA).
5: 950.107
   950.107 Campaign expense recovery.
5: 950.108
   950.108 Preventing coercive activity.
5: 950.109
   950.109 Avoidance of conflict of interest.
5: 950.110
   950.110 CCA Prohibited discrimination.
5: B
Subpart B - Eligibility Provisions
5: 950.201
   950.201 Charity eligibility.
5: 950.202
   950.202 Charity eligibility requirements.
5: 950.203
   950.203 Public accountability standards.
5: 950.204
   950.204 Eligibility decisions and appeals.
5: C
Subpart C - Federations
5: 950.301
   950.301 Federation eligibility.
5: 950.302
   950.302 Responsibilities of federations.
5: D
Subpart D - Campaign Information
5: 950.401
   950.401 Campaign and publicity information.
5: 950.402
   950.402 Pledge form.
5: E
Subpart E - Miscellaneous Provisions
5: 950.501
   950.501 Release of contributor information.
5: 950.502
   950.502 Solicitation methods.
5: 950.503
   950.503 Sanctions and penalties.
5: 950.504
   950.504 Records retention.
5: 950.505
   950.505 Sanctions compliance certification.
5: F
Subpart F - CFC Timetable
5: 950.601
   950.601 Campaign schedule.
5: G
Subpart G - Payroll Withholding
5: 950.701
   950.701 Payroll allotment.
5: H
Subpart H - Accounting and Distribution
5: 950.801
   950.801 Accounting and distribution.