Title 5

PART 2411

Part 2411 - Availability Of Official Information

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PART 2411 - AVAILABILITY OF OFFICIAL INFORMATION Authority:5 U.S.C. 552, as amended; Freedom of Information Improvement Act of 2016, Pub. L. 114-185, 130 Stat. 528; Openness Promotes Effectiveness in our National Government Act of 2007 (OPEN Government Act), Pub. L. 110-175, 121 Stat. 2524. Source:74 FR 50674, Oct. 1, 2009, unless otherwise noted.

5: 2411.1
   2411.1 Purpose.
5: 2411.2
   2411.2 Scope.
5: 2411.3
   2411.3 Delegation of authority.
5: 2411.4
   2411.4 Information policy.
5: 2411.5
   2411.5 Procedure for obtaining information.
5: 2411.6
   2411.6 Identification of information requested.
5: 2411.7
   2411.7 Format of disclosure.
5: 2411.8
   2411.8 Time limits for processing requests.
5: 2411.9
   2411.9 Business information.
5: 2411.10
   2411.10 Appeal from denial of request.
5: 2411.11
   2411.11 Modification of time limits.
5: 2411.12
   2411.12 Effect of failure to meet time limits.
5: 2411.13
   2411.13 Fees.
5: 2411.14
   2411.14 Record retention and preservation.
5: 2411.15
   2411.15 Annual report.