Title 48

PART 909

Part 909 - Contractor Qualifications

PART 909 - CONTRACTOR QUALIFICATIONS Authority:42 U.S.C. 7101 et seq. and 50 U.S.C. 2401 et seq. Source:49 FR 11949, Mar. 28, 1984, unless otherwise noted.

48: 909.1
Subpart 909.1 - Responsible Prospective Contractors
48: 909.104
   909.104 Standards.
48: 909.104-1
   909.104-1 General standards.
48: 909.104-3
   909.104-3 Application of standards.
48: 909.4
Subpart 909.4 - Debarment, Suspension, and Ineligibility
48: 909.400
   909.400 Scope of subpart.
48: 909.401
   909.401 Applicability.
48: 909.403
   909.403 Definitions.
48: 909.405
   909.405 Effect of listing.
48: 909.406
   909.406 Debarment.
48: 909.406-2
   909.406-2 Causes for debarment.
48: 909.406-3
   909.406-3 Procedures.
48: 909.406-70
   909.406-70 Requests for reconsideration of debarment.
48: 909.407
   909.407 Suspension.
48: 909.407-2
   909.407-2 Causes for suspension.
48: 909.407-3
   909.407-3 Procedures.
48: 909.5
Subpart 909.5 - Organizational and Consultant Conflicts of Interest
48: 909.503
   909.503 Waiver.
48: 909.504
   909.504 Contracting officer's responsibility.
48: 909.507
   909.507 Solicitation provisions and contract clause.
48: 909.507-1
   909.507-1 Solicitation provisions.
48: 909.507-2
   909.507-2 Contract clause.