Title 48

PART 836

Part 836 - Construction And Architect-engineer Contracts

PART 836 - CONSTRUCTION AND ARCHITECT-ENGINEER CONTRACTS Authority:40 U.S.C. 121(c); 41 U.S.C. 1121(c)(3), 1303(a)(2) and 1702; and 48 CFR 1.301-1.304. Source:73 FR 2717, Jan. 15, 2008, unless otherwise noted.

48: 836.2
Subpart 836.2 - Special Aspects of Contracting for Construction
48: 836.202
   836.202 Specifications.
48: 836.202-70
   836.202-70 Specifications - use of equal products.
48: 836.203
   836.203 Government estimate of construction costs.
48: 836.203-70
   836.203-70 Protection of the independent government estimate - sealed bid.
48: 836.204
   836.204 Disclosure of the magnitude of construction projects.
48: 836.5
Subpart 836.5 - Contract Clauses
48: 836.500
   836.500 Scope of subpart.
48: 836.501
   836.501 Performance of work by the contractor.
48: 836.521
   836.521 Specifications and drawings for construction.
48: 836.573
   836.573 Contractor production report.
48: 836.574
   836.574 Subcontracts and work coordination.
48: 836.580
   836.580 Notice to bidders - additive or deductive bid line items.
48: 836.6
Subpart 836.6 - Architect-Engineer Services
48: 836.603
   836.603 Collecting data on and appraising firms' qualifications.
48: 836.606
   836.606 Negotiations.
48: 836.606-70
   836.606-70 Architect-engineer firms' proposal.
48: 836.606-71
   836.606-71 Application of 6 percent architect-engineer fee limitation.
48: 836.70
Subpart 836.70 - Unique Forms for Contracting for Construction, Architect-Engineer Services, and Dismantling, Demolition, or Removal of Improvements
48: 836.7000
   836.7000 Scope of subpart.
48: 836.7001
   836.7001 Unique construction and architect-engineer services forms.