Title 48

PART 653

Part 653 - Forms

PART 653 - FORMS Authority:40 U.S.C. 486(c); 22 U.S.C. 2658. Source:53 FR 26180, July 11, 1988, unless otherwise noted.

48: 653.000
   653.000 Scope of part.
48: 653.1
Subpart 653.1 - General
48: 653.101
   653.101 Requirements for use of forms.
48: 653.101-70
   653.101-70 Policy.
48: 653.110
   653.110 Continuation sheets.
48: 653.2
Subpart 653.2 - Prescription of Forms
48: 653.200
   653.200 Scope of subpart.
48: 653.213
   653.213 Simplified acquisition procedures (SF's 18, 30, 44, 1165, OF's 347, 348).
48: 653.217
   653.217 Special contracting methods.
48: 653.217-70
   653.217-70 DOS form DS-1921, Award/Modification of Interagency Acquisition Agreement.
48: 653.219
   653.219 Small business programs.
48: 653.219-70
   653.219-70 DOS form DS-1910, Small Business Agency Review - Actions Above the Simplified Acquisition Threshold.
48: 653.219-71
   653.219-71 DOS form DS-4053, Department of State Mentor-Protégé Program Application.