Title 48

PART 504

Part 504 - Administrative Matters

PART 504 - ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS Authority:40 U.S.C. 121(c). Source:64 FR 37205, July 9, 1999, unless otherwise noted.

48: 504.4
Subpart 504.4 - Safeguarding Classified Information Within Industry
48: 504.402
   504.402 General.
48: 504.475
   504.475 Return of classified information.
48: 504.5
Subpart 504.5 - Electronic Commerce in Contracting
48: 504.500
   504.500 [Reserved]
48: 504.502
   504.502 Policy.
48: 504.570
   504.570 [Reserved]
48: 504.6
Subpart 504.6 - Contract Reporting
48: 504.605-70
   504.605-70 Federal Procurement Data System - Public access to data.
48: 504.11
Subpart 504.11 - System for Award Management
48: 504.1103
   504.1103 Procedures.
48: 504.13
Subpart 504.13 - Personal Identity Verification of Contractor Personnel
48: 504.1301
   504.1301 Policy.
48: 504.1303
   504.1303 Contract clause.