Title 48

PART 453

Part 453 - Forms

PART 453 - FORMS Authority:5 U.S.C. 301 and 40 U.S.C. 486(c). Source:61 FR 53646, Oct. 15, 1996, unless otherwise noted.

48: 453.000
   453.000 Scope of part.
48: 453.1
Subpart 453.1 - General
48: 453.103
   453.103 Exceptions.
48: 453.108
   453.108 Recommendations concerning forms.
48: 453.2
Subpart 453.2 - Prescription of Forms
48: 453.200
   453.200 Scope of subpart.
48: 453.213
   453.213 Simplified Acquisition and other simplified purchase procedures (AD-838).
48: 453.270
   453.270 Request for contract action (AD-700).
48: 453.3
Subpart 453.3 - Illustrations of Forms
48: 453.300
   453.300 Scope of subpart.
48: 453.303
   453.303 Agency forms.
48: 453.303-700
   453.303-700 Procurement Request (AD-700).
48: 453.303-838
   453.303-838 Purchase Order (AD-838).