Title 48

PART 449

Part 449 - Termination Of Contracts

PART 449 - TERMINATION OF CONTRACTS Authority:5 U.S.C. 301 and 40 U.S.C. 486(c). Source:61 FR 53646, Oct. 15, 1996, unless otherwise noted.

48: 449.1
Subpart 449.1 - General Principles
48: 449.106
   449.106 Fraud or other criminal conduct.
48: 449.111
   449.111 Review of proposed settlements.
48: 449.4
Subpart 449.4 - Termination for Default
48: 449.402
   449.402 Termination of fixed-price contracts for default.
48: 449.402-3
   449.402-3 Procedure for default.
48: 449.5
Subpart 449.5 - Contract Termination Clauses
48: 449.501
   449.501 General.