Title 48

PART 404

Part 404 - Administrative Matters

PART 404 - ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS Authority:5 U.S.C. 301 and 40 U.S.C. 486(c). Source:61 FR 53646, Oct. 15, 1996, unless otherwise noted.

48: 404.2
Subpart 404.2 - Contract Distribution
48: 404.203
   404.203 Taxpayer identification information.
48: 404.4
Subpart 404.4 - Safeguarding Classified Information Within Industry
48: 404.403
   404.403 Responsibilities of contracting officers.
48: 404.6
Subpart 404.6 - Contract Reporting
48: 404.601
   404.601 [Reserved]
48: 404.602
   404.602 Federal Procurement Data System.
48: 404.8
Subpart 404.8 - Government Contract Files
48: 404.870
   404.870 Document numbering system.
48: 404.11
Subpart 404.11 - Central Contractor Registration
48: 404.1103
   404.1103 Procedures.
48: 404.70
Subpart 404.70 - Precontract Notices
48: 404.7001
   404.7001 Solicitation provision.