Title 48

PART 352

Part 352 - Solicitation Provisions And Contract Clauses

PART 352 - SOLICITATION PROVISIONS AND CONTRACT CLAUSES Authority:5 U.S.C. 301; 40 U.S.C. 121(c)(2). Source:80 FR 72151, Nov. 18, 2015, unless otherwise noted.

48: 352.1
Subpart 352.1 - Instructions for Using Provisions and Clauses
48: 352.100
   352.100 Scope of subpart.
48: 352.101-70
   352.101-70 Application of provisions and clauses.
48: 352.2
Subpart 352.2 - Texts of Provisions and Clauses
48: 352.203-70
   352.203-70 Anti-Lobbying.
48: 352.204-70
   352.204-70 Prevention and Public Health Fund - Reporting Requirements.
48: 352.208-70
   352.208-70 Printing and Duplication.
48: 352.211-1
   352.211-1 Public Accommodations and Commercial Facilities.
48: 352.211-2
   352.211-2 Conference Sponsorship Requests and Conference Materials Disclaimer.
48: 352.211-3
   352.211-3 Paperwork Reduction Act.
48: 352.215-70
   352.215-70 Late Proposals and Revisions.
48: 352.216-70
   352.216-70 Additional Cost Principles for Hospitals (Profit and Non-Profit).
48: 352.219-70
   352.219-70 Mentor-Protégé Program.
48: 352.219-71
   352.219-71 Mentor-Protégé Program Reporting Requirements.
48: 352.222-70
   352.222-70 Contractor Cooperation in Equal Employment Opportunity Investigations.
48: 352.223-70
   352.223-70 Safety and Health.
48: 352.223-71
   352.223-71 Instructions to Offerors - Sustainable Acquisition.
48: 352.224-70
   352.224-70 Privacy Act.
48: 352.224-71
   352.224-71 Confidential Information.
48: 352.226-1
   352.226-1 Indian Preference.
48: 352.226-2
   352.226-2 Indian Preference Program.
48: 352.226-3
   352.226-3 Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act.
48: 352.227-11
   352.227-11 Patent Rights - Exceptional Circumstances.
48: 352.227-14
   352.227-14 Rights in Data - Exceptional Circumstances.
48: 352.227-70
   352.227-70 Publications and Publicity.
48: 352.231-70
   352.231-70 Salary Rate Limitation.
48: 352.232-70
   352.232-70 Incremental Funding.
48: 352.233-70
   352.233-70 Choice of Law (Overseas).
48: 352.233-71
   352.233-71 Litigation and Claims.
48: 352.236-70
   352.236-70 Design-Build Contracts.
48: 352.237-70
   352.237-70 Pro-Children Act.
48: 352.237-71
   352.237-71 Crime Control Act - Reporting of Child Abuse.
48: 352.237-72
   352.237-72 Crime Control Act - Requirement for Background Checks.
48: 352.237-73
   352.237-73 Indian Child Protection and Family Violence Act.
48: 352.237-74
   352.237-74 Non-Discrimination in Service Delivery.
48: 352.237-75
   352.237-75 Key Personnel.
48: 352.239-73
   352.239-73 Electronic Information and Technology Accessibility Notice.
48: 352.239-74
   352.239-74 Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility.
48: 352.270-1 - 352.270-3
   352.270-1--352.270-3 [Reserved]
48: 352.270-4a
   352.270-4a Notice to Offerors, Protection of Human Subjects.
48: 352.270-4b
   352.270-4b Protection of Human Subjects.
48: 352.270-5a
   352.270-5a Notice to Offerors of Requirement for Compliance with the Public Health Service Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals.
48: 352.270-5b
   352.270-5b Care of Live Vertebrate Animals.
48: 352.270-6
   352.270-6 Restriction on Use of Human Subjects.
48: 352.270-7 - 352.270-8
   352.270-7--352.270-8 [Reserved]
48: 352.270-9
   352.270-9 Non-Discrimination for Conscience.
48: 352.270-10
   352.270-10 Notice to Offerors - Protection of Human Subjects, Research Involving Human Subjects Committee (RIHSC) Approval of Research Protocols Required.
48: 352.270-11
   352.270-11 Protection of Human Subjects - Research Involving Human Subjects Committee (RIHSC) Approval of Research Protocols Required.
48: 352.270-12
   352.270-12 Needle Exchange.
48: 352.270-13
   352.270-13 Continued Ban on Funding Abortion and Continued Ban on Funding of Human Embryo Research.