Title 48

PART 3401

Part 3401 - Ed Acquisition Regulation System

PART 3401 - ED ACQUISITION REGULATION SYSTEM Authority:5 U.S.C. 301 and 20 U.S.C. 1018a. Source:76 FR 12796, Mar. 8, 2011, unless otherwise noted.

48: 3401.000
   3401.000 Scope of part.
48: 3401.1
Subpart 3401.1 - Purpose, Authority, Issuance
48: 3401.104
   3401.104 Applicability.
48: 3401.105
   3401.105 Issuance.
48: 3401.105-2
   3401.105-2 Arrangement of regulations.
48: 3401.105-3
   3401.105-3 Copies.
48: 3401.3
Subpart 3401.3 - Agency Acquisition Regulations
48: 3401.301
   3401.301 Policy.
48: 3401.303
   3401.303 Publication and codification.
48: 3401.304
   3401.304 Agency control and compliance procedures.
48: 3401.4
Subpart 3401.4 - Deviations
48: 3401.401
   3401.401 Definition.
48: 3401.403
   3401.403 Individual deviations.
48: 3401.404
   3401.404 Class deviations.
48: 3401.5
Subpart 3401.5 - Agency and Public Participation
48: 3401.501
   3401.501 Solicitation of agency and public views.
48: 3401.501-2
   3401.501-2 Opportunity for public comments.
48: 3401.6
Subpart 3401.6 - Career Development, Contracting Authority, and Responsibilities
48: 3401.601
   3401.601 General.
48: 3401.602-3
   3401.602-3 Ratification of unauthorized commitments.
48: 3401.670
   3401.670 Nomination and appointment of contracting officer's representatives (CORs).
48: 3401.670-1
   3401.670-1 General.
48: 3401.670-2
   3401.670-2 Appointment.
48: 3401.670-3
   3401.670-3 Contract clause.