Title 48

PART 305

Part 305 - Publicizing Contract Actions

PART 305 - PUBLICIZING CONTRACT ACTIONS Authority:5 U.S.C. 301; 40 U.S.C. 121(c)(2). Source:80 FR 72151, Nov. 18, 2015, unless otherwise noted.

48: 305.3
Subpart 305.3 - Synopses of Contract Awards
48: 305.303
   305.303 Announcement of contract awards.
48: 305.5
Subpart 305.5 - Paid Advertisements
48: 305.502
   305.502 Authority.
48: 305.70
Subpart 305.70 - Publicizing Requirements Funded From the Affordable Care Act Prevention and Public Health Fund
48: 305.7001
   305.7001 Scope.
48: 305.7002
   305.7002 Applicability.
48: 305.7003
   305.7003 Publicizing preaward.
48: 305.7004
   305.7004 Publicizing postaward.