Title 48

PART 3046

Part 3046 - Quality Assurance

PART 3046 - QUALITY ASSURANCE Authority:41 U.S.C. 418b (a) and (b). Source:68 FR 67871, Dec. 4, 2003, unless otherwise noted.

48: 3046.7
Subpart 3046.7 - Warranties
48: 3046.702
   3046.702 [Reserved]
48: 3046.790
   3046.790 Use of warranties in major systems acquisitions by the USCG (USCG).
48: 3046.790-1
   3046.790-1 Scope (USCG).
48: 3046.790-2
   3046.790-2 Definitions (USCG).
48: 3046.790-3
   3046.790-3 Policy (USCG).
48: 3046.790-4
   3046.790-4 Waiver (USCG).
48: 3046.791-1
   3046.791-1 Policy (USCG).
48: 3046.791-2
   3046.791-2 Tailoring warranty terms and conditions (USCG).
48: 3046.791-3
   3046.791-3 Warranties on Government-furnished property (USCG).
48: 3046.792
   3046.792 Cost benefit analysis (USCG).
48: 3046.793
   3046.793 Waiver and notification procedures (USCG).