Title 48

PART 3033

Part 3033 - Protests, Disputes, And Appeals

PART 3033 - PROTESTS, DISPUTES, AND APPEALS Authority:5 U.S.C. 301-302, 41 U.S.C. 1707, 41 U.S.C. 1702, 48 CFR part 1, subpart 1.3, and DHS Delegation Number 0702. Source:68 FR 67871, Dec. 4, 2003, unless otherwise noted.

48: 3033.1
Subpart 3033.1 - Protests
48: 3033.102
   3033.102 General.
48: 3033.102-90
   3033.102-90 Protests on classified solicitations (OSA).
48: 3033.2
Subpart 3033.2 - Disputes and Appeals
48: 3033.201
   3033.201 Definitions.
48: 3033.211
   3033.211 Contracting Officer's decision.
48: 3033.214
   3033.214 Alternative dispute resolution (ADR).