Title 48

PART 301

Part 301 - Hhs Acquisition Regulation System

PART 301 - HHS ACQUISITION REGULATION SYSTEM Authority:5 U.S.C. 301; 40 U.S.C. 121(c)(2). Source:80 FR 72151, Nov. 18, 2015, unless otherwise noted.

48: 301.1
Subpart 301.1 - Purpose, Authority, and Issuance
48: 301.101
   301.101 Purpose.
48: 301.103
   301.103 Authority.
48: 301.106
   301.106 Office of Management and Budget approval under the Paperwork Reduction Act.
48: 301.2
Subpart 301.2 [Reserved]
48: 301.4
Subpart 301.4 - Deviations from the FAR
48: 301.401
   301.401 Deviations.
48: 301.6
Subpart 301.6 - Career Development, Contracting Authority, and Responsibilities
48: 301.602
   301.602 Contracting officers.
48: 301.602-3
   301.602-3 Ratification of unauthorized commitments.
48: 301.603
   301.603 Selection, appointment, and termination of appointment of contracting officers.
48: 301.603-1
   301.603-1 General.