Title 48

PART 3005

Part 3005 - Publicizing Contract Actions

PART 3005 - PUBLICIZING CONTRACT ACTIONS Authority:5 U.S.C. 301-302, 41 U.S.C. 1707, 41 U.S.C. 1702, 48 CFR part 1, subpart 1.3, and DHS Delegation Number 0702. Source:68 FR 67871, Dec. 4, 2003, unless otherwise noted.

48: 3005.4
Subpart 3005.4 - Release of Information
48: 3005.402
   3005.402 General public.
48: 3005.470
   3005.470 Contractor award announcements, advertisements, and releases.
48: 3005.470-1
   3005.470-1 Policy.
48: 3005.470-2
   3005.470-2 Contract clauses.
48: 3005.90
Subpart 3005.90 - Publicizing Contract Actions for Personal Services Contracting
48: 3005.9000
   3005.9000 Applicability (USCG).