Title 48

PART 2845

Part 2845 - Government Property

PART 2845 - GOVERNMENT PROPERTY Authority:28 U.S.C. 510; 40 U.S.C. 486(c); 28 CFR 0.75(j) and 28 CFR 0.76(j). Source:63 FR 16134, Apr. 2, 1998, unless otherwise noted.

48: 2845.1
Subpart 2845.1 - General
48: 2845.105
   2845.105 Records of Government property.
48: 2845.5
Subpart 2845.5 - Management of Government Property in the Possession of Contractors
48: 2845.505-14
   2845.505-14 Report of Government Property.
48: 2845.6
Subpart 2845.6 - Reporting, Redistribution, and Disposal of Contractor Inventory
48: 2845.603
   2845.603 Disposal methods.