Title 48
PART 2832
Part 2832 - Contract Financing
- Authority: 28 U.S.C. 510; 40 U.S.C. 486(c); 28 CFR 0.75(j) and 28 CFR 0.76(j).
- Source: 63 FR 16132, Apr. 2, 1998, unless otherwise noted.
48: | SUBPART 2832.1 | Subpart 2832.1 - Non-Commercial Item Purchase Financing | |
48: | SECTION 2832.114 | 2832.114 Unusual contract financing. | |
48: | SUBPART 2832.4 | Subpart 2832.4 - Advance Payments for Non-Commercial Items | |
48: | SECTION 2832.402 | 2832.402 General. | |
48: | SECTION 2832.407 | 2832.407 Interest. | |
48: | SUBPART 2832.9 | Subpart 2832.9 - Prompt Payment | |
48: | SECTION 2832.903 | 2832.903 Policy. | |
48: | SUBPART 2832.11 | Subpart 2832.11 - Electronic Funds Transfer | |
48: | SECTION 2832.1110 | 2832.1110 Solicitation provision and contract clauses. |