Title 48

PART 2817

Part 2817 - Special Contracting Methods

PART 2817 - SPECIAL CONTRACTING METHODS Authority:28 U.S.C. 510; 40 U.S.C. 486(c); 28 CFR 0.75(j); and 28 CFR 0.76(j). Source:63 FR 16129, Apr. 2, 1998, unless otherwise noted.

48: 2817.1
Subpart 2817.1 - Multiyear Contracting
48: 2817.108
   2817.108 Congressional notification.
48: 2817.6
Subpart 2817.6 - Management and Operating Contracts
48: 2817.605
   2817.605 Award, renewal, and extension.