Title 48

PART 2419

Part 2419 - Small Business Programs

PART 2419 - SMALL BUSINESS PROGRAMS Authority:40 U.S.C. 121(c); 42 U.S.C. 3535(d).

48: 2419.2
Subpart 2419.2 - Policies
48: 2419.201
   2419.201 General policy.
48: 2419.5
Subpart 2419.5 - Set-Asides for Small Business
48: 2419.503
   2419.503 [Reserved]
48: 2419.7
Subpart 2419.7 - The Small Business Subcontracting Program
48: 2419.708
   2419.708 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses.
48: 2419.8
Subpart 2419.8 - Small Business Administration Section (8)(a) Program
48: 2419.800
   2419.800 General.
48: 2419.803
   2419.803 Selecting acquisitions for the 8(a) Program.
48: 2419.803-70
   2419.803-70 Procedures for simplified acquisitions under the partnership agreement.
48: 2419.804
   2419.804 Evaluation, offering, and acceptance.
48: 2419.804-2
   2419.804-2 Agency offering.
48: 2419.804-3
   2419.804-3 SBA acceptance.
48: 2419.804-370
   2419.804-370 SBA acceptance under partnership agreements for acquisitions exceeding the simplified acquisition threshold.
48: 2419.805
   2419.805 Competitive 8(a).
48: 2419.805-2
   2419.805-2 Procedures.
48: 2419.806
   2419.806 Pricing the 8(a) contract.
48: 2419.808
   2419.808 Contract negotiation.
48: 2419.808-1
   2419.808-1 Sole source.
48: 2419.811
   2419.811 Preparing the contracts.
48: 2419.811-1
   2419.811-1 Sole source.
48: 2419.811-2
   2419.811-2 Competitive.
48: 2419.811-3
   2419.811-3 Contract clauses.
48: 2419.812
   2419.812 Contract administration.