Title 48

PART 241

Part 241 - Acquisition Of Utility Services

PART 241 - ACQUISITION OF UTILITY SERVICES Authority:48 U.S.C. 421 and 48 CFR Chapter 1. Source:63 FR 11539, Mar. 9, 1998, unless otherwise noted.

48: 241.1
Subpart 241.1 - General
48: 241.101
   241.101 Definitions.
48: 241.102
   241.102 Applicability.
48: 241.103
   241.103 Statutory and delegated authority.
48: 241.2
Subpart 241.2 - Acquiring Utility Services
48: 241.201
   241.201 Policy.
48: 241.202
   241.202 Procedures.
48: 241.205
   241.205 Separate contracts.
48: 241.5
Subpart 241.5 - Solicitation Provision and Contract Clauses
48: 241.501
   241.501 Solicitation provision and contract clauses.
48: 241.501-70
   241.501-70 Additional clauses.