Title 48

PART 227

Part 227 - Patents, Data, And Copyrights

PART 227 - PATENTS, DATA, AND COPYRIGHTS Authority:41 U.S.C. 1303 and 48 CFR chapter 1. Source:56 FR 36389, July 31, 1991, unless otherwise noted.

48: 227.3
Subpart 227.3 - Patent Rights Under Government Contracts
48: 227.303
   227.303 Contract clauses.
48: 227.304
   227.304 Procedures.
48: 227.304-1
   227.304-1 General.
48: 227.4
Subpart 227.4 - Rights in Data and Copyrights
48: 227.400
   227.400 Scope of subpart.
48: 227.6
Subpart 227.6 - Foreign License and Technical Assistance Agreements
48: 227.670
   227.670 Scope.
48: 227.671
   227.671 General.
48: 227.672
   227.672 Policy.
48: 227.673
   227.673 Foreign license and technical assistance agreements between the Government and domestic concerns.
48: 227.674
   227.674 Supply contracts between the Government and a foreign government or concern.
48: 227.675
   227.675 Foreign license and technical assistance agreements between a domestic concern and a foreign government or concern.
48: 227.675-1
   227.675-1 International Traffic in Arms Regulations.
48: 227.675-2
   227.675-2 Review of agreements.
48: 227.676
   227.676 Foreign patent interchange agreements.
48: 227.70
Subpart 227.70 - Infringement Claims, Licenses, and Assignments
48: 227.7000
   227.7000 Scope.
48: 227.7001
   227.7001 Policy.
48: 227.7002
   227.7002 Statutes pertaining to administrative claims of infringement.
48: 227.7003
   227.7003 Claims for copyright infringement.
48: 227.7004
   227.7004 Requirements for filing an administrative claim for patent infringement.
48: 227.7005
   227.7005 Indirect notice of patent infringement claims.
48: 227.7006
   227.7006 Investigation and administrative disposition of claims.
48: 227.7007
   227.7007 Notification and disclosure to claimants.
48: 227.7008
   227.7008 Settlement of indemnified claims.
48: 227.7009
   227.7009 Patent releases, license agreements, and assignments.
48: 227.7009-1
   227.7009-1 Required clauses.
48: 227.7009-2
   227.7009-2 Clauses to be used when applicable.
48: 227.7009-3
   227.7009-3 Additional clauses - contracts except running royalty contracts.
48: 227.7009-4
   227.7009-4 Additional clauses - contracts providing for payment of a running royalty.
48: 227.7010
   227.7010 Assignments.
48: 227.7011
   227.7011 Procurement of rights in inventions, patents, and copyrights.
48: 227.7012
   227.7012 Contract format.
48: 227.7013
   227.7013 Recordation.
48: 227.71
Subpart 227.71 - Rights in Technical Data
48: 227.7100
   227.7100 Scope of subpart.
48: 227.7101
   227.7101 Definitions.
48: 227.7102
   227.7102 Commercial items, components, or processes.
48: 227.7102-1
   227.7102-1 Policy.
48: 227.7102-2
   227.7102-2 Rights in technical data.
48: 227.7102-3
   227.7102-3 Government right to review, verify, challenge and validate asserted restrictions.
48: 227.7102-4
   227.7102-4 Contract clauses.
48: 227.7103
   227.7103 Noncommercial items or processes.
48: 227.7103-1
   227.7103-1 Policy.
48: 227.7103-2
   227.7103-2 Acquisition of technical data.
48: 227.7103-3
   227.7103-3 Early identification of technical data to be furnished to the Government with restrictions on use, reproduction or disclosure.
48: 227.7103-4
   227.7103-4 License rights.
48: 227.7103-5
   227.7103-5 Government rights.
48: 227.7103-6
   227.7103-6 Contract clauses.
48: 227.7103-7
   227.7103-7 Use and non-disclosure agreement.
48: 227.7103-8
   227.7103-8 Deferred delivery and deferred ordering of technical data.
48: 227.7103-9
   227.7103-9 Copyright.
48: 227.7103-10
   227.7103-10 Contractor identification and marking of technical data to be furnished with restrictive markings.
48: 227.7103-11
   227.7103-11 Contractor procedures and records.
48: 227.7103-12
   227.7103-12 Government right to establish conformity of markings.
48: 227.7103-13
   227.7103-13 Government right to review, verify, challenge, and validate asserted restrictions.
48: 227.7103-14
   227.7103-14 Conformity, acceptance, and warranty of technical data.
48: 227.7103-15
   227.7103-15 Subcontractor rights in technical data.
48: 227.7103-16
   227.7103-16 Providing technical data to foreign governments, foreign contractors, or international organizations.
48: 227.7103-17
   227.7103-17 Overseas contracts with foreign sources.
48: 227.7104
   227.7104 Contracts under the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program.
48: 227.7105
   227.7105 Contracts for the acquisition of existing works.
48: 227.7105-1
   227.7105-1 General.
48: 227.7105-2
   227.7105-2 Acquisition of existing works without modification.
48: 227.7105-3
   227.7105-3 Acquisition of modified existing works.
48: 227.7106
   227.7106 Contracts for special works.
48: 227.7107
   227.7107 Contracts for architect-engineer services.
48: 227.7107-1
   227.7107-1 Architectural designs and data clauses for architect-engineer or construction contracts.
48: 227.7107-2
   227.7107-2 Contracts for construction supplies and research and development work.
48: 227.7107-3
   227.7107-3 Approval of restricted designs.
48: 227.7108
   227.7108 Contractor data repositories.
48: 227.72
Subpart 227.72 - Rights in Computer Software and Computer Software Documentation
48: 227.7200
   227.7200 Scope of subpart.
48: 227.7201
   227.7201 Definitions.
48: 227.7202
   227.7202 Commercial computer software and commercial computer software documentation.
48: 227.7202-1
   227.7202-1 Policy.
48: 227.7202-2
   227.7202-2 [Reserved]
48: 227.7202-3
   227.7202-3 Rights in commercial computer software or commercial computer software documentation.
48: 227.7202-4
   227.7202-4 Contract clause.
48: 227.7203
   227.7203 Noncommercial computer software and noncommercial computer software documentation.
48: 227.7203-1
   227.7203-1 Policy.
48: 227.7203-2
   227.7203-2 Acquisition of noncommercial computer software and computer software documentation.
48: 227.7203-3
   227.7203-3 Early identification of computer software or computer software documentation to be furnished to the Government with restrictions on use, reproduction or disclosure.
48: 227.7203-4
   227.7203-4 License rights.
48: 227.7203-5
   227.7203-5 Government rights.
48: 227.7203-6
   227.7203-6 Contract clauses.
48: 227.7203-8
   227.7203-8 Deferred delivery and deferred ordering of computer software and computer software documentation.
48: 227.7203-9
   227.7203-9 Copyright.
48: 227.7203-10
   227.7203-10 Contractor identification and marking of computer software or computer software documentation to be furnished with restrictive markings.
48: 227.7203-11
   227.7203-11 Contractor procedures and records.
48: 227.7203-12
   227.7203-12 Government right to establish conformity of markings.
48: 227.7203-13
   227.7203-13 Government right to review, verify, challenge, and validate asserted restrictions.
48: 227.7203-14
   227.7203-14 Conformity, acceptance, and warranty of computer software and computer software documentation.
48: 227.7203-15
   227.7203-15 Subcontractor rights in computer software or computer software documentation.
48: 227.7203-16
   227.7203-16 Providing computer software or computer software documentation to foreign governments, foreign contractors, or international organizations.
48: 227.7203-17
   227.7203-17 Overseas contracts with foreign sources.
48: 227.7204
   227.7204 Contracts under the Small Business Innovation Research Program.
48: 227.7205
   227.7205 Contracts for special works.
48: 227.7206
   227.7206 Contracts for architect-engineer services.
48: 227.7207
   227.7207 Contractor data repositories.