Title 48

PART 1842

Part 1842 - Contract Administration And Audit Services

PART 1842 - CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION AND AUDIT SERVICES Authority:51 U.S.C. 20113(a) and 48 CFR chapter 1. Source:62 FR 14017, Mar. 25, 1997, unless otherwise noted.

48: 1842.70
Subpart 1842.70 - Additional NASA Contract Clauses
48: 1842.7001
   1842.7001 Denied access to NASA facilities.
48: 1842.7002
   1842.7002 Travel outside of the United States.
48: 1842.7003
   1842.7003 Emergency medical services and evacuation.
48: 1842.71
Subpart 1842.71 [Reserved]
48: 1842.72
Subpart 1842.72 - NASA Contractor Financial Management Reporting
48: 1842.7201
   1842.7201 General.
48: 1842.7202
   1842.7202 Contract clause.