Title 48

PART 1827

Part 1827 - Patents, Data, And Copyrights

PART 1827 - PATENTS, DATA, AND COPYRIGHTS Authority:51 U.S.C. 20113(a) and 48 CFR chapter 1. Source:80 FR 12939, Mar. 12, 2015, unless otherwise noted.

48: 1827.000
   1827.000 Scope of part.
48: 1827.3
Subpart 1827.3 - Patent Rights Under Government Contracts
48: 1827.301
   1827.301 Definitions.
48: 1827.302
   1827.302 Policy.
48: 1827.303
   1827.303 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses.
48: 1827.304
   1827.304 Procedures.
48: 1827.304-1
   1827.304-1 General.
48: 1827.304-2
   1827.304-2 Contracts placed by or for other Government agencies.
48: 1827.304-3
   1827.304-3 Subcontracts.
48: 1827.304-4
   1827.304-4 Appeals.
48: 1827.305
   1827.305 Administration of the patent rights clauses.
48: 1827.305-3
   1827.305-3 Securing invention rights acquired by the Government.
48: 1827.4
Subpart 1827.4 - Rights in Data and Copyrights
48: 1827.404
   1827.404 Basic rights in data clause.
48: 1827.404-4
   1827.404-4 Contractor's release, publication, and use of data.
48: 1827.409
   1827.409 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses.