Title 48

PART 1819

Part 1819 - Small Business Programs

PART 1819 - SMALL BUSINESS PROGRAMS Authority:51 U.S.C. 20113(a) and 48 CFR chapter 1. Source:62 FR 36707, July 9, 1997, unless otherwise noted.

48: 1819.001
   1819.001 Definitions.
48: 1819.2
Subpart 1819.2 - Policies
48: 1819.201
   1819.201 General policy. (NASA supplements paragraphs (a), (c), (d), and (f))
48: 1819.302
   1819.302 Protesting a small business representation or rerepresentation.
48: 1819.7
Subpart 1819.7 - The Small Business Subcontracting Program
48: 1819.708
   1819.708 Contract clauses. (NASA supplements paragraph (b))
48: 1819.708-70
   1819.708-70 NASA solicitation provision and contract clause.
48: 1819.811-3
   1819.811-3 Contract clauses.
48: 1819.10
Subpart 1819.10 [Reserved]
48: 1819.70
Subparts 1819.70 - 1819.71 [Reserved]
48: 1819.72
Subpart 1819.72 - NASA Mentor-Protégé Program
48: 1819.7201
   1819.7201 Scope of subpart.
48: 1819.7202
   1819.7202 Eligibility.
48: 1819.7203
   1819.7203 Mentor-protégé advance payments.
48: 1819.7204
   1819.7204 Agreement submission and approval process.
48: 1819.7205
   1819.7205 Award Fee Pilot Program.
48: 1819.7206-1819.7211
   1819.7206-1819.7211 [Reserved]
48: 1819.7212
   1819.7212 Reporting requirements.
48: 1819.7213-1819.7214
   1819.7213-1819.7214 [Reserved]
48: 1819.7215
   1819.7215 Solicitation provision and contract clauses.
48: 1819.73
Subpart 1819.73 - Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Programs
48: 1819.7301
   1819.7301 Scope of subpart.
48: 1819.7302
   1819.7302 NASA contract clauses.