Title 48

PART 1803

Part 1803 - Improper Business Practices And Personal Conflicts Of Interest

PART 1803 - IMPROPER BUSINESS PRACTICES AND PERSONAL CONFLICTS OF INTEREST Authority:51 U.S.C. 20113(a) and 48 CFR chapter 1. Source:61 FR 40537, Aug. 5, 1996, unless otherwise noted.

48: 1803.1
Subpart 1803.1 - Safeguards
48: 1803.104
   1803.104 Procurement integrity.
48: 1803.104-1
   1803.104-1 Definitions.
48: 1803.9
Subpart 1803.9 - Contractor Employee Whistleblower Protections
48: 1803.900
   1803.900 Scope of subpart.
48: 1803.901
   1803.901 Definition.
48: 1803.903
   1803.903 Policy.
48: 1803.904
   1803.904 Procedures for filing complaints.
48: 1803.905
   1803.905 Procedures for investigating complaints.
48: 1803.906
   1803.906 Remedies.
48: 1803.907
   1803.907 Classified information.
48: 1803.970
   1803.970 Contract clause.
48: 1803.70
Subpart 1803.70 - IG Hotline Posters
48: 1803.7000
   1803.7000 Policy.
48: 1803.7001
   1803.7001 Contract clause.