Title 48

PART 1419

Part 1419 - Small Business Programs

PART 1419 - SMALL BUSINESS PROGRAMS Authority:40 U.S.C. 121(c); 40 U.S.C. 486(c); and 5 U.S.C. 301. Source:84 FR 69344, Dec. 18, 2019, unless otherwise noted.

48: 1419.1
Subpart 1419.1 [Reserved]
48: 1419.2
Subpart 1419.2 - Policies
48: 1419.201
   1419.201 General policy.
48: 1419.202
   1419.202 Specific policies.
48: 1419.202-70
   1419.202-70 Acquisition screening and Small Business Specialist recommendations.
48: 1419.3
Subpart 1419.3 - 1419.4 [Reserved]
48: 1419.5
Subpart 1419.5 - Set-Asides for Small Business
48: 1419.503
   1419.503 Setting aside a class of acquisitions.
48: 1419.503-70
   1419.503-70 Class set-aside for construction acquisitions.
48: 1419.6
Subpart 1419.6 - Certificates of Competency and Determinations of Responsibility
48: 1419.602
   1419.602 Procedures.
48: 1419.602-1
   1419.602-1 Referral.
48: 1419.7
Subpart 1419.7 - [Reserved]
48: 1419.8
Subpart 1419.8 - Contracting with the Small Business Administration (The 8(a) Program)
48: 1419.803
   1419.803 [Reserved]
48: 1419.810
   1419.810 SBA appeals.
48: 1419.9
Subparts 1419.9 - 1419.10 [Reserved]