Subpart N - Cable Rate Regulation Source:58 FR 29753, May 21, 1993, unless otherwise noted. Effective Date Note:The effective date of the amendments to part 76, published at 58 FR 29737 (May 21, 1993), extended to October 1, 1993, by an order published at 58 FR 33560 (June 18, 1993), and moved to September 1, 1993, by an order published at 58 FR 41042 (August 2, 1993), is temporarily stayed for those cable systems that have 1,000 or fewer subscribers. This limited, temporary stay is effective September 1, 1993, and will remain in effect until the Commission terminates the stay and establishes a new effective date in an order on reconsideration addressing the administrative burdens and costs of compliance for small cable systems. The Commission will publish in the Federal Register the new effective date of the rules with respect to small cable systems at that time.