Title 47

PART 500

Part 500 - Review And Approval Of Fees Proposed By The First Responder Network Authority (firstnet)

PART 500 - REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF FEES PROPOSED BY THE FIRST RESPONDER NETWORK AUTHORITY (FIRSTNET) Authority:47 U.S.C. 1401. Source:82 FR 40961, Aug. 29, 2017, unless otherwise noted.

47: 500.1
   500.1 Purpose and scope.
47: 500.2
   500.2 General definitions.
47: 500.3
   500.3 NTIA duty to review FirstNet proposed fees.
47: 500.4
   500.4 Scope of NTIA review of FirstNet proposed fees.
47: 500.5
   500.5 Methodology of NTIA fee review and approval process.