Title 47

PART 400

Part 400 - 911 Grant Program

PART 400 - 911 GRANT PROGRAM Authority:47 U.S.C. 942. Source:83 FR 38059, Aug. 3, 2018, unless otherwise noted.

47: 400.1
   400.1 Purpose.
47: 400.2
   400.2 Definitions.
47: 400.3
   400.3 Who may apply.
47: 400.4
   400.4 Application requirements.
47: 400.5
   400.5 Approval and award.
47: 400.6
   400.6 Distribution of grant funds.
47: 400.7
   400.7 Eligible uses for grant funds.
47: 400.8
   400.8 Continuing compliance.
47: 400.9
   400.9 Financial and administrative requirements.
47: 400.10
   400.10 Closeout.
47: 400.11
   400.11 Waiver authority.