Title 47
Subpart O - Collection of Claims Owed the United States Authority: 31 U.S.C. 3701; 31 U.S.C. 3711 et seq.; 5 U.S.C. 5514; sec. 8(1) of E.O. 11609 (3 CFR, 1971-1975 Comp., p.586); redesignated in sec. 2-1 of E.O. 12107; (3 CFR, 1978 Comp., p. 264); 31 CFR parts 901-904; 5 CFR part 550. Source: 69 FR 27848, May 17, 2004, unless otherwise noted.
- Authority: 47 U.S.C. chs. 2, 5, 9, 13; 28 U.S.C. 2461, unless otherwise noted.
- Source:
47: | SUBJGRP 197 | General Provisions | |
47: | SECTION 1.1901 | 1.1901 Definitions and construction. | |
47: | SECTION 1.1902 | 1.1902 Exceptions. | |
47: | SECTION 1.1903 | 1.1903 Use of procedures. | |
47: | SECTION 1.1904 | 1.1904 Conformance to law and regulations. | |
47: | SECTION 1.1905 | 1.1905 Other procedures; collection of forfeiture penalties. | |
47: | SECTION 1.1906 | 1.1906 Informal action. | |
47: | SECTION 1.1907 | 1.1907 Return of property or collateral. | |
47: | SECTION 1.1908 | 1.1908 Omissions not a defense. | |
47: | SECTION 1.1909 | 1.1909 [Reserved] | |
47: | SECTION 1.1910 | 1.1910 Effect of insufficient fee payments, delinquent debts, or debarment. | |
47: | SUBJGRP 198 | Administrative Offset - Consumer Reporting Agencies - Contracting for Collection | |
47: | SECTION 1.1911 | 1.1911 Demand for payment. | |
47: | SECTION 1.1912 | 1.1912 Collection by administrative offset. | |
47: | SECTION 1.1913 | 1.1913 Administrative offset against amounts payable from Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund. | |
47: | SECTION 1.1914 | 1.1914 Collection in installments. | |
47: | SECTION 1.1915 | 1.1915 Exploration of compromise. | |
47: | SECTION 1.1916 | 1.1916 Suspending or terminating collection action. | |
47: | SECTION 1.1917 | 1.1917 Referrals to the Department of Justice and transfer of delinquent debt to the Secretary of Treasury. | |
47: | SECTION 1.1918 | 1.1918 Use of consumer reporting agencies. | |
47: | SECTION 1.1919 | 1.1919 Contracting for collection services. | |
47: | SECTION 1.1920-1.1924 | 1.1920-1.1924 [Reserved] | |
47: | SUBJGRP 199 | Salary Offset-Individual Debt | |
47: | SECTION 1.1925 | 1.1925 Purpose. | |
47: | SECTION 1.1926 | 1.1926 Scope. | |
47: | SECTION 1.1927 | 1.1927 Notification. | |
47: | SECTION 1.1928 | 1.1928 Hearing. | |
47: | SECTION 1.1929 | 1.1929 Deduction from employee's pay. | |
47: | SECTION 1.1930 | 1.1930 Liquidation from final check or recovery from other payment. | |
47: | SECTION 1.1931 | 1.1931 Non-waiver of rights by payments. | |
47: | SECTION 1.1932 | 1.1932 Refunds. | |
47: | SECTION 1.1933 | 1.1933 Interest, penalties and administrative costs. | |
47: | SECTION 1.1934 | 1.1934 Recovery when the Commission is not creditor agency. | |
47: | SECTION 1.1935 | 1.1935 Obtaining the services of a hearing official. | |
47: | SECTION 1.1936 | 1.1936 Administrative wage garnishment. | |
47: | SECTION 1.1937-1.1939 | 1.1937-1.1939 [Reserved] | |
47: | SUBJGRP 200 | Interest, Penalties, Administrative Costs and Other Sanctions | |
47: | SECTION 1.1940 | 1.1940 Assessment. | |
47: | SECTION 1.1941 | 1.1941 Exemptions. | |
47: | SECTION 1.1942 | 1.1942 Other sanctions. | |
47: | SECTION 1.1943-1.1949 | 1.1943-1.1949 [Reserved] | |
47: | SUBJGRP 201 | Cooperation With the Internal Revenue Service | |
47: | SECTION 1.1950 | 1.1950 Reporting discharged debts to the Internal Revenue Service. | |
47: | SECTION 1.1951 | 1.1951 Offset against tax refunds. | |
47: | SECTION 1.1952 | 1.1952 Use and disclosure of mailing addresses. | |
47: | SUBJGRP 202 | General Provisions Concerning Interagency Requests | |
47: | SECTION 1.1953 | 1.1953 Interagency requests. |