Title 46
Subpart E - Streamlined Inspection Program Source: CGD 96-055, 63 FR 44353, Aug. 18, 1998, unless otherwise noted.
- 33 U.S.C. 1903, 1904, 3803 and 3821; 46 U.S.C. 3103, 3306, 3316, 3703, and 70034; Department of Homeland Security Delegation No. 0170.1 and Aug. 8, 2011 Delegation of Authority, Anti-Fouling Systems.
- Source: CGD 95-010, 62 FR 67532, Dec. 24, 1997, unless otherwise noted.
46: | SECTION 8.500 | 8.500 Purpose. | |
46: | SECTION 8.505 | 8.505 Scope and applicability. | |
46: | SECTION 8.510 | 8.510 Definitions. | |
46: | SECTION 8.515 | 8.515 Eligibility. | |
46: | SECTION 8.520 | 8.520 Application. | |
46: | SECTION 8.525 | 8.525 OCMI review and action. | |
46: | SECTION 8.530 | 8.530 Plan development and approval. | |
46: | SECTION 8.535 | 8.535 Training and operational evaluation. | |
46: | SECTION 8.540 | 8.540 Enrollment in SIP. | |
46: | SECTION 8.545 | 8.545 Scope of inspection for enrolled vessels. | |
46: | SECTION 8.550 | 8.550 Plan review and revisions. | |
46: | SECTION 8.555 | 8.555 Disenrollment. | |
46: | SECTION 8.560 | 8.560 Waiver. | |
46: | SECTION 8.565 | 8.565 Appeal. | |
46: | SECTION 8.570 | 8.570 Interim approval of prototype SIP company or vessel plans. |