Title 46
Subpart B - Tests, Drills, and Inspections
- 43 U.S.C. 1333; 46 U.S.C. 3306, 6101, 10104; Department of Homeland Security Delegation No. 0170.1.
- CGD 73-251, 43 FR 56828, Dec. 4, 1978, unless otherwise noted.
46: | SECTION 109.201 | 109.201 Steering gear, whistles, general alarm, and means of communication. | |
46: | SECTION 109.203 | 109.203 Sanitation. | |
46: | SECTION 109.205 | 109.205 Inspection of boilers and machinery. | |
46: | SECTION 109.209 | 109.209 Appliances for watertight integrity. | |
46: | SECTION 109.211 | 109.211 Testing of emergency lighting and power systems. | |
46: | SECTION 109.213 | 109.213 Emergency training and drills. | |
46: | SECTION 109.223 | 109.223 Fire fighting equipment. | |
46: | SECTION 109.227 | 109.227 Verification of vessel compliance with applicable stability requirements. |