Title 45


Part 96 - Block Grants

PART 96 - BLOCK GRANTS Authority:31 U.S.C. 1243 note, 7501-7507; 42 U.S.C. 300w et seq., § 300x et seq., § 300y et seq., § 701 et seq., § 8621 et seq., § 9901 et seq., § 1397 et seq., 5 U.S.C. § 301. Source:47 FR 29486, July 6, 1982, unless otherwise noted.

45: A
Subpart A - Introduction
45: 96.1
   96.1 Scope.
45: 96.2
   96.2 Definitions.
45: 96.3
   96.3 Information collection approval numbers.
45: B
Subpart B - General Procedures
45: 96.10
   96.10 Prerequisites to obtain block grant funds.
45: 96.11
   96.11 Basis of award to the States.
45: 96.12
   96.12 Grant payment.
45: 96.13
   96.13 Reallotments.
45: 96.14
   96.14 Time period for obligation and expenditure of grant funds.
45: 96.15
   96.15 Waivers.
45: 96.16
   96.16 Applicability of title XVII of the Reconciliation Act (31 U.S.C. 7301-7305).
45: 96.17
   96.17 Annual reporting requirements.
45: 96.18
   96.18 Participation by faith-based organizations.
45: C
Subpart C - Financial Management
45: 96.30
   96.30 Fiscal and administrative requirements.
45: 96.31
   96.31 Audits.
45: 96.32
   96.32 Financial settlement.
45: 96.33
   96.33 Referral of cases to the Inspector General.
45: D
Subpart D - Direct Funding of Indian Tribes and Tribal Organizations
45: 96.40
   96.40 Scope.
45: 96.41
   96.41 General determination.
45: 96.42
   96.42 General procedures and requirements.
45: 96.43
   96.43 Procedures during FY 1982.
45: 96.44
   96.44 Community services.
45: 96.45
   96.45 Preventive health and health services.
45: 96.46
   96.46 Substance abuse prevention and treatment services.
45: 96.47
   96.47 Primary care.
45: 96.48
   96.48 Low-income home energy assistance.
45: 96.49
   96.49 Due date for receipt of all information required for completion of tribal applications for the low-income home energy assistance block grants.
45: E
Subpart E - Enforcement
45: 96.50
   96.50 Complaints.
45: 96.51
   96.51 Hearings.
45: 96.52
   96.52 Appeals.
45: 96.53
   96.53 Length of withholding.
45: F
Subpart F - Hearing Procedure
45: 96.60
   96.60 Scope.
45: 96.61
   96.61 Initiation of hearing.
45: 96.62
   96.62 Presiding officer.
45: 96.63
   96.63 Communications to presiding officer.
45: 96.64
   96.64 Intervention.
45: 96.65
   96.65 Discovery.
45: 96.66
   96.66 Hearing procedure.
45: 96.67
   96.67 Right to counsel.
45: 96.68
   96.68 Administrative record of a hearing.
45: G
Subpart G - Social Services Block Grants
45: 96.70
   96.70 Scope.
45: 96.71
   96.71 Definitions.
45: 96.72
   96.72 Transferability of funds.
45: 96.73
   96.73 Sterilization.
45: 96.74
   96.74 Annual reporting requirements.
45: H
Subpart H - Low-income Home Energy Assistance Program
45: 96.80
   96.80 Scope.
45: 96.81
   96.81 Carryover and reallotment.
45: 96.82
   96.82 Required report on households assisted.
45: 96.83
   96.83 Increase in maximum amount that may be used for weatherization and other energy-related home repair.
45: 96.84
   96.84 Miscellaneous.
45: 96.85
   96.85 Income eligibility.
45: 96.86
   96.86 Exemption from requirement for additional outreach and intake services.
45: 96.87
   96.87 Leveraging incentive program.
45: 96.88
   96.88 Administrative costs.
45: 96.89
   96.89 Exemption from standards for providing energy crisis intervention assistance.
45: I
Subpart I - Community Services Block Grants
45: 96.90
   96.90 Scope.
45: 96.91
   96.91 Audit requirement.
45: 96.92
   96.92 Termination of funding.
45: J
Subpart J - Primary Care Block Grants
45: 96.100
   96.100 Scope.
45: 96.101
   96.101 Review of a State decision to discontinue funding of a community health center.
45: 96.102
   96.102 Carryover of unobligated funds.
45: K
Subpart K - Transition Provisions
45: 96.110
   96.110 Scope.
45: 96.111
   96.111 Continuation of pre-existing regulations.
45: 96.112
   96.112 Community services block grant.
45: L
Subpart L - Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant
45: 96.120
   96.120 Scope.
45: 96.121
   96.121 Definitions.
45: 96.122
   96.122 Application content and procedures.
45: 96.123
   96.123 Assurances.
45: 96.124
   96.124 Certain allocations.
45: 96.125
   96.125 Primary prevention.
45: 96.126
   96.126 Capacity of treatment for intravenous substance abusers.
45: 96.127
   96.127 Requirements regarding tuberculosis.
45: 96.128
   96.128 Requirements regarding human immunodeficiency virus.
45: 96.129
   96.129 Revolving funds for establishment of homes in which recovering substance abusers may reside.
45: 96.130
   96.130 State law regarding sale of tobacco products to individuals under age of 18.
45: 96.131
   96.131 Treatment services for pregnant women.
45: 96.132
   96.132 Additional agreements.
45: 96.133
   96.133 Submission to Secretary of Statewide assessment of needs.
45: 96.134
   96.134 Maintenance of effort regarding State expenditures.
45: 96.135
   96.135 Restrictions on expenditure of grant.
45: 96.136
   96.136 Independent peer review.
45: 96.137
   96.137 Payment schedule.
45: 0
45: Appendix A
   Appendix A to Part 96 - Uniform Definitions of Services
45: Appendix B
   Appendix B to Part 96 - SSBG Reporting Form and Instructions