Title 45


Subpart B - What Are the Requirements for the Contingency Fund?

45: 264.70
   264.70 What makes a State eligible to receive a provisional payment of contingency funds
45: 264.71
   264.71 What determines the amount of the provisional payment of contingency funds that will be made to a State
45: 264.72
   264.72 What requirements are imposed on a State if it receives contingency funds
45: 264.73
   264.73 What is an annual reconciliation
45: 264.74
   264.74 How will we determine the Contingency Fund MOE level for the annual reconciliation
45: 264.75
   264.75 For the annual reconciliation, what are qualifying State expenditures
45: 264.76
   264.76 What action will we take if a State fails to remit funds after failing to meet its required Contingency Fund MOE level
45: 264.77
   264.77 How will we determine if a State met its Contingency Fund expenditure requirements