Title 45


Subpart C - What Are the Work Activities and How Do They Count?

45: 261.30
   261.30 What are the work activities
45: 261.31
   261.31 How many hours must a work-eligible individual participate for the family to count in the numerator of the overall rate
45: 261.32
   261.32 How many hours must work-eligible individuals participate for the family to count in the numerator of the two-parent rate
45: 261.33
   261.33 What are the special requirements concerning educational activities in determining monthly participation rates
45: 261.34
   261.34 Are there any limitations in counting job search and job readiness assistance toward the participation rates
45: 261.35
   261.35 Are there any special work provisions for single custodial parents
45: 261.36
   261.36 Do welfare reform waivers affect the calculation of a State's participation rates