Title 45

PART 212

Part 212 - Assistance For United States Citizens Returned From Foreign Countries

PART 212 - ASSISTANCE FOR UNITED STATES CITIZENS RETURNED FROM FOREIGN COUNTRIES Authority:Sec. 302, 75 Stat. 142, sec. 1102, 49 Stat. 647; 42 U.S.C. 1313, 1302. Source:39 FR 26548, July 19, 1974, unless otherwise noted.

45: 212.1
   212.1 General definitions.
45: 212.2
   212.2 General.
45: 212.3
   212.3 Eligible person.
45: 212.4
   212.4 Reception; initial determination, provisions of temporary assistance.
45: 212.5
   212.5 Periodic review and redetermination; termination of temporary assistance.
45: 212.6
   212.6 Duty to report.
45: 212.7
   212.7 Repayment to the United States.
45: 212.8
   212.8 Federal payments.
45: 212.9
   212.9 Disclosure of information.
45: 212.10
   212.10 Nondiscrimination.