Title 45

PART 211

Part 211 - Care And Treatment Of Mentally Ill Nationals Of The United States, Returned From Foreign Countries

PART 211 - CARE AND TREATMENT OF MENTALLY ILL NATIONALS OF THE UNITED STATES, RETURNED FROM FOREIGN COUNTRIES Authority:Secs. 1-11, 74 Stat. 308-310; 24 U.S.C. 321-329. Source:39 FR 26546, July 19, 1974, unless otherwise noted.

45: 211.1
   211.1 General definitions.
45: 211.2
   211.2 General.
45: 211.3
   211.3 Certificates.
45: 211.4
   211.4 Notification to legal guardian, spouse, next of kin, or interested persons.
45: 211.5
   211.5 Action under State law; appointment of guardian.
45: 211.6
   211.6 Reception; temporary care, treatment, and assistance.
45: 211.7
   211.7 Transfer and release of eligible person.
45: 211.8
   211.8 Continuing hospitalization.
45: 211.9
   211.9 Examination and reexamination.
45: 211.10
   211.10 Termination of hospitalization.
45: 211.11
   211.11 Request for release from hospitalization.
45: 211.12
   211.12 Federal payments.
45: 211.13
   211.13 Financial responsibility of the eligible person; collections, compromise, or waiver of payment.
45: 211.14
   211.14 Disclosure of information.
45: 211.15
   211.15 Nondiscrimination.