Title 45

PART 1329

Part 1329 - State Independent Living Services And Centers For Independent Living

PART 1329 - STATE INDEPENDENT LIVING SERVICES AND CENTERS FOR INDEPENDENT LIVING Authority:29 U.S.C. 709; 42 U.S.C. 3515e. Source:81 FR 74694, Oct. 27, 2016, unless otherwise noted.

45: A
Subpart A - General Provisions
45: 1329.1
   1329.1 Programs covered.
45: 1329.2
   1329.2 Purpose.
45: 1329.3
   1329.3 Applicability of other regulations.
45: 1329.4
   1329.4 Definitions.
45: 1329.5
   1329.5 Indicators of minimum compliance.
45: 1329.6
   1329.6 Reporting.
45: 1329.7
   1329.7 Enforcement and appeals procedures.
45: B
Subpart B - Independent Living Services
45: 1329.10
   1329.10 Authorized use of funds for Independent Living Services.
45: 1329.11
   1329.11 DSE eligibility and application.
45: 1329.12
   1329.12 Role of the designated State entity.
45: 1329.13
   1329.13 Allotment of Federal funds for State independent living (IL) services.
45: 1329.14
   1329.14 Establishment of a SILC.
45: 1329.15
   1329.15 Duties of the SILC.
45: 1329.16
   1329.16 Authorities of the SILC.
45: 1329.17
   1329.17 General requirements for a State plan.
45: C
Subpart C - Centers for Independent Living Program
45: 1329.20
   1329.20 Centers for Independent Living (CIL) program.
45: 1329.21
   1329.21 Continuation awards to entities eligible for assistance under the CIL program.
45: 1329.22
   1329.22 Competitive awards to new Centers for Independent Living.
45: 1329.23
   1329.23 Compliance reviews.
45: 1329.24
   1329.24 Training and technical assistance to Centers for Independent Living.