Title 44

PART 332

Part 332 - Voluntary Agreements Under Section 708 Of The Defense Production Act Of 1950, As Amended

PART 332 - VOLUNTARY AGREEMENTS UNDER SECTION 708 OF THE DEFENSE PRODUCTION ACT OF 1950, AS AMENDED Authority:Sec. 708, Defense Production Act of 1950, as amended (50 U.S.C. app. 2158); E.O. 10480, 3 CFR, 1949-1953 Comp., p. 961, as amended; E.O. 12148, 44 FR 43239. Source:46 FR 2350, Jan. 9, 1981, unless otherwise noted.

44: 332.1
   332.1 General provisions.
44: 332.2
   332.2 Developing voluntary agreements.
44: 332.3
   332.3 Carrying out voluntary agreements.
44: 332.4
   332.4 Termination or modifying voluntary agreements.
44: 332.5
   332.5 Public access to records and meetings.