Title 44

PART 304

Part 304 - Consolidated Grants To Insular Areas

PART 304 - CONSOLIDATED GRANTS TO INSULAR AREAS Authority:50 U.S.C. app. 2251 et seq.; Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1978; E.O. 12148. Source:43 FR 39776, Sept. 7, 1978, unless otherwise noted. Redesignated at 44 FR 56173, Sept. 28, 1979.

44: 304.1
   304.1 Purpose.
44: 304.2
   304.2 Definitions.
44: 304.3
   304.3 Conditions for a consolidated grant.
44: 304.4
   304.4 Allocations.
44: 304.5
   304.5 Audits and records.