Title 44

PART 152

Part 152 - Assistance To Firefighters Grant Program

PART 152 - ASSISTANCE TO FIREFIGHTERS GRANT PROGRAM Authority:Federal Fire Protection and Control Act, 15 U.S.C. 2201 et seq. Source:68 FR 12547, Mar. 14, 2003, unless otherwise noted.

44: 152.1
   152.1 Purpose and eligible uses of grant funds.
44: 152.2
   152.2 Definitions.
44: 152.3
   152.3 Availability of funds.
44: 152.4
   152.4 Roles and responsibilities.
44: 152.5
   152.5 Review process and evaluation criteria.
44: 152.6
   152.6 Application review and award process.
44: 152.7
   152.7 Grant payment, reporting and other requirements.
44: 152.8
   152.8 Application submission and deadline.
44: 152.9
   152.9 Reconsideration.