Part 15 - Conduct At The Mt. Weather Emergency Assistance Center And At The National Emergency Training Center
PART 15 - CONDUCT AT THE MT. WEATHER EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE CENTER AND AT THE NATIONAL EMERGENCY TRAINING CENTER Authority:Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1978, 43 FR 41943, 3 CFR, 1978 Comp., p. 329; E.O. 12127 of Mar. 31, 1979, 44 FR 19367, 3 CFR, 1979 Comp., p. 376; E.O. 12148, 44 FR 13239, 3 CFR, 1979 Comp., p. 412; Federal Fire Prevention and Control Act of 1974, 15 U.S.C. 2201 et seq.; delegation of authority from the Administrator of General Services, dated July 18, 1979; Pub. L. 80-566, approved June 1, 1948, 40 U.S.C. 318-318d; and the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, 40 U.S.C. 271 et seq.Source:64 FR 31137, June 10, 1999, unless otherwise noted.
Authority: Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1978, 43 FR 41943, 3 CFR, 1978 Comp., p. 329; E.O. 12127 of Mar. 31, 1979, 44 FR 19367, 3 CFR, 1979 Comp., p. 376; E.O. 12148, 44 FR 13239, 3 CFR, 1979 Comp., p. 412; Federal Fire Prevention and Control Act of 1974, 15 U.S.C. 2201 et seq.; delegation of authority from the Administrator of General Services, dated July 18, 1979; Pub. L. 80-566, approved June 1, 1948, 40 U.S.C. 318-318d; and the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, 40 U.S.C. 271 et seq.
Source: 64 FR 31137, June 10, 1999, unless otherwise noted.