Title 43

PART 5470

Part 5470 - Contract Modification - Extension - Assignment

PART 5470 - CONTRACT MODIFICATION - EXTENSION - ASSIGNMENT Authority:30 U.S.C. 601; 43 U.S.C. 2604 and 1740. Source:35 FR 9787, June 13, 1970, unless otherwise noted.

43: 5473
Subpart 5473 - Extension of Time for Cutting and Removal
43: 5473.1
   5473.1 Application.
43: 5473.4
   5473.4 Approval of request.
43: 5473.4-1
   5473.4-1 Reappraisal.
43: 5474
Subpart 5474 - Contract Assignment
43: 5474.1
   5474.1 Conditions; general.