Title 43

SECTION 3186.1-2

3186.1-2 Model Exhibit “B”.

§ 3186.1-2 Model Exhibit “B”.

Swan Unit Area, Campbell County, Wyoming

Tract No. Description of land No. of acres Serial No. and expiration date of lease Basic royalty and ownership percentage Lessee of record Overriding royalty and percentage Working interest and percentage
All in the area of T54N-R59W, 6th P.M.
Federal Land
1 Sec. 14: All 1,920.00 W-8470, 6-30-81 U.S.: All T.J. Cook 100% T.J. Cook 2% Frost Oil Co. 100%.
Sec. 15: All
Sec. 23: All
2 Sec. 35: All 640.00 W-9123, 7-31-81 U.S.: All O.M. Odom 100% O.M. Odom 1% Deer Oil Co. 100%.
3 Sec. 21: All 1,280.00 W-41345, 6-30-85 U.S.: All Max Pen 50% Max Pen 1% Frost Oil Co. 100%.
Sec. 28: All Sam Small 50% Sam Small 1%
4 Sec. 27: All 1,280.00 W-41679, 6-30-85 U.S.: All Al Preen 100% Al Preen 2% Deer Oil Co. 50%.
Doe Oil Co.,30%
Able Drilling Co. 20%.
Sec. 33: All Deer Oil Co. 50%.
Doe Oil Co., 30%
Able Drilling Co. 20%.
5 Sec. 26: All 961.50 W-52780,12-31-85 U.S.: All Deer Oil Co. 100% J.G. Goodin 2% Deer Oil Co. 100%.
Sec. 25: Lots 3,4, SW 1/4, W 1/2SE 1/4
6 Sec. 24: Lots 1,2,3,4,W 1/2, W 1/2E 1/2 (All) 965.80 W-53970, 2-28-86 U.S.: All T.H. Holder 100% T.H. Holder 100%.
Sec. 25: Lots 1,2,NW 1/4, W 1/2NE/4
6 Federal tracts totalling 7,047.30 acres or 68.76018% of unit area
State Land
7 Sec. 16: All 1,280.60 78620, 6-30-88 State: All Deer Oil Co. 100% T.T. Timo 2% Deer Oil Co. 100%.
Sec. 36: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, W 1/2, W 1/2E 1/2 (All)
1 State tract totalling 1,280.60 acres or 12.49476% of unit area.
Patented Land
8 Sec. 13: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, W 1/2, W 1/2E 1/2 (All) 641.20 5-31-82 J.C. Smith: 100% Doe Oil Co. 100% Doe Oil Co. 100%.
9 Sec. 22: All 640.00 5-31-82 T.J. Cook: 100% W.W. Smith 100% Sam Spade 1% W.W. Smith 100%.
10 Sec. 34: All 640.00 6-30-82 A.A. Aben: 75%, L.P. Carr: 25% Deer Oil Co. 100% Deer Oil Co. 100%.
3 Patented tracts totalling 1,921.20 acres or 18.74506% of unit area
Total: 10 tracts 10,249.10 acres in entire unit area.
[48 FR 26766, June 10, 1983. Redesignated at 48 FR 36587, Aug. 12, 1983, and amended at 51 FR 34604, Sept. 30, 1986]